
List levels

List the available level of authors proficiencies.



The premium level is handled by experienced native speakers and is best for general business writing and translation. This level makes it possible to order additional options, including Extra Proofreading and Graphic Files.


The enterprise level is handled by professionals in their field and is best for complex projects requiring an advanced writing style, research and adaptation. This level makes it possible to order additional options, including Extra Proofreading and Graphic Files.

Tips: Please note that the premium level is called standard on the application.

Tips: TextMaster recommend using the enterprise level to guarantee the best translation quality possible.

Note that not all levels are available for all kinds of project. For example, enterprise level is not available for proofreading projects at all.

For some complex languages (translation from Norwegian to Swahili, for example), on the contrary, the only available level will be enterprise.

Attempting to create a project with unavailable level will result in an error. You should check the response from the Create a project endpoint for such errors.

Last updated